Thursday, May 26, 2011

Crime In Stereo

This band is one of my all time favorites and unfortunately have recently broken up. I've been a fan since about 2005 and got the chance to see them live early 2010 and let me tell you, they blew me away. The first album I heard from them was "The Troubled Stateside". This album really shows what the Long Island hardcore scene was about. This album is solid from start to finish and I probably listen to it a couple times a week still and it never gets old. The follow up to "Troubled Stateside" is "Crime In Stereo Is Dead." Is Dead feels like a brand new band while further expanding their original sound. This album is much more experimental while retaining their hardcore roots. It's really hard for me to describe exactly what their sound is so you might want to watch a couple of their videos on youtube. The bands final release is titled "I Was Trying To Describe You To Someone" and this album rocked my socks off hard. Following up their previous release "Is Dead" the band continues on the post hardcore experimental route. This album is filled with post production drum fills and cool vocal effects but still retains hints from "The Troubled Stateside."

Like I said before this is one of my all time favorite bands and you should definitely check them out.



  1. Crime in Stereo.
    I'm sure I've heard of them somewhere

  2. I wonder if they're still on MySpace, er I mean My_____ lol

  3. I saw them years ago. Someone was crowd surfing and security went to grab him, but the singing got him and pulled him on stage instead. I always liked that

  4. I hear this but didn't know about Crime Stereo, thanks!
